Characteristic Friday: CREO Originals - In Bac Viet Supermarket

Characteristic Friday: CREO Originals

Feature Friday: CREO Originals

About CREO Originals:

CREO is a development stage company that was formed for the purpose of creating, manufacturing and marketing highly functional, all natural hair and skin care products that are eco sensitive and animal cruelty free.

Our current line is the result of testing over 200 formulas with hundreds of salon customers. Our mission is to provide products which make people feel good when they look at them, feel and smell good when using them, and which definitively contribute to the overall mental, emotional and physical wellness of our customers. We achieve this through creative packaging and branding and through the use of superior artisan formulas comprised of the ideal blend of the best available plant derived ingredients. The eco-friendly and animal cruelty free nature of our products make people feel as good about using them as they do about the user experience and results.


About their Branding:

Our brand name ‘CREO’ is Latin for “to create or make”, reflecting the creative process that led to the development of our formulas. When it came to packaging and marketing, we wanted to do something that was related closely to the DNA of our brand name.

We are about to launch our “CREO Originals” product line on Kickstarter.com. This project revolves around featuring authentic fine art on all of our packaging and providing information about the art and the artist on each package. This creates a win-win-win relationship between our company, our artists and the consumers who patronize our brand.

Instead of artists creating for the sake of a plastic bottle, they are creating for the pure purpose of making the world more beautiful and we are simply sharing that beauty with the world in the form of an everyday, highly useful and enjoyable product.

Custom Labels CREO

How did you find out about ShortRunLabels.com?

We were in search of a flexible label vendor who could produce short runs for us without the burden of extra fees for doing small batches and who could deliver in short lead times. A west coast based company was of importance in the interest of shortening shipping times and minimizing expense. A simple Google search immediately made us aware of ShortRunLabels and there were no obstacles to giving them a try.


What did you like most about using ShortRunLabels.com?

The quality of the product, the flexibility working with them affords, the speed of delivery and the professionalism of the staff.

Despite the fact that we are a small company and haven’t yet required millions of labels, we are treated like our needs are a priority and we truly feel like ShortRunLabels is our “label department”. We are afforded the benefit of their expertise, they understand what we’re trying to achieve and they contribute in a meaningful way to ensuring we produce exactly what we need. We work with Blake there and he has been really helpful in helping us to understand what will work for us, tweaking files to get exactly what we’re looking for and helping us make decisions regarding materials, etc.

Because we are reproducing fine art on our labels, it is imperative that they look great. There’s really no such thing as “good enough” with this approach. The folks at ShortRunLabels have taken that to heart and have delivered labels that are beautiful and befitting the images we embed upon them.


[wpcc-iframe id=”_ytid_73933″ width=”1100″ height=”619″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/pNKHAj6L2wM?enablejsapi=1&autoplay=0&cc_load_policy=0&iv_load_policy=1&loop=0&modestbranding=0&rel=1&showinfo=1&fs=1&theme=dark&color=red&autohide=2&controls=2&playsinline=0&” class=”__youtube_prefs__” title=”YouTube player” allowfullscreen data-no-lazy=”1″ data-skipgform_ajax_framebjll=””]

The Kickstarter campaign starts June 23. Please check back for the link to this amazing project!

To learn more about CREO Originals, Visit their website, Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram.

To learn more about custom labels, check out our brand, ShortRunLabels.com

Visit ShortRunLabels.com

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