What to expect with food safety in the Obama Administration

a new administration in the White House, we’re likely to see more food safety
By the end, there was not much that the Bush Administration
did not get blamed for-a rocky economy,
unchecked corporate greed and inadequate product safety protection. Every lead painted
toy, contaminated tomato (or was it a pepper?) and prescription drug failure
was the administration’s fault.
It is against this backdrop that a new administration-that
of Barack Obama-takes office with the support of a left-of-center Democratic
House and Senate. What can be expected with the Food and Drug Administration in
The simple answer is that we are likely to see a more
activist government and an increase in regulations and enforcement.
Several legislative proposals floated on the Hill last year
may pick up speed this year, but in what form is difficult to say. When John
Dingell (D-MI) was head of the House Commerce and Energy Committee last year,
food safety legislation was his No. 1 FDA priority. However, having been
dethroned by Henry Waxman (D-CA), food safety legislation could well take a
backseat to other priorities.
If Congress does act on food safety, however, it will likely
focus on inspections and traceability issues. Recent and recurring problems
with imported food products have highlighted the need for better inspections at
ports and overseas. Likewise, many believe that increased capability to trace
foods through distribution will mitigate the spread of contaminated products.
Don’t be surprised to see a push to give the FDA and USDA
mandatory recall authority. Right now, it is all voluntary by the company.
Legislation will likely mandate company notification of a potential recall
situation and agency authority to establish the parameters of the recall. And,
depending on how that legislation is written, it could apply just as well to
food packaging materials as to finished food products.
New FDA commissioner still uncertain
By the time you read this, the President may have nominated
a new FDA commissioner. In any case, we’ll know a lot more of what to expect
from the agency based on who is selected.
Names being bandied about include Joshua Sharfstein, a
Harvard educated medical doctor who is currently the Baltimore Health
Commissioner. He worked on the Hill as a staffer for Henry Waxman and is
leading the Obama transition team’s assessment of the FDA, which certainly
gives him a leg up. If Sharfstein gets the nod, expect him to come in as a
reformer and an activist.
Another name is Steven Nissin, the well-respected chair of
Cardiovascular Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, who has been known to take
drug companies and the FDA to task on safety and transparency issues. As a
research scientist, however, he understands the contributions that can be made
by all stakeholders in the process, including industry.
Though there is less chance of an agency insider getting the
job, Janet Woodcock, the agency’s current director for the Center for Drugs, is
a name heard often, as is former deputy commissioner, Mary Pendergast.
No matter who is chosen for the job, significant changes in
the agency’s and industry’s responsibilities can be expected.