Tea bundle blends track and artwork - In Bac Viet Supermarket

Tea bundle blends track and artwork

Tea package blends music and art

Imagine an evening filled with art and new music alongside a cup of fine, imported, loose-leaf green tea. It sounds like an evening at an art gallery or a posh party, but the musicians behind the new project, Tea for Tyrants, want to package this pleasant combination for you to enjoy any time.

Tea for Tyrants brings the element of art back into music. Before the digital age, music came packaged with album artwork and liner notes, but digital downloads only offer a thumbnail sized image. Tea for Tyrants packages tea with a free music download and original artwork. Each 2-ounce or 4-ounce tin of tea includes a tea card with product information alongside details about the featured musicians. Packaging music with a consumer good also helps artists and listeners connect in the flooded online music scene.

 Currently, Tea for Tyrants is seeking start-up financing through the crowdfunding website, Kickstarter, which allows anyone to contribute to their campaign and help launch this venture. (There are also rewards for various pledge levels). They have about 15 days left to reach their $7,500 start up goal so they can begin producing their product. Learn more from their Kickstarter and on their website, TeaforTyrants.com. 

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