Function Friday: Valley Contax - In Bac Viet Supermarket

Function Friday: Valley Contax

valley contact

Feature Friday: Valley Contax

From our Sales Team:

Valley Contacts were looking for a box supplier who could fulfill their packaging needs without requiring a large investment of tens of thousands of boxes. YourBoxSolution short run capabilities gave them the ability to order 2500 units at a competitive price point without any setup costs. The beautifully designed graphics combined with high-gloss UV coating produced a gorgeous package that matches the quality of the products inside. Valley Contacts can also rest easy knowing that if any design changes occur on a future order there won’t be any setup costs of any kind.

valley contact

About Valley Contax:

Valley Contax is a custom contact lens manufacturer located in Springfield OR. We have been in operation since 1981, and employ approximately 23 people. We are a strong advocate and support of the education of optometrists throughout America, and the provider of quality of vision and lifestyle enhancement.

About their Branding:

The Custom Stable ™ is Valley Contax premier product and the packaging and branding in very important. We are part of the “re-invention” of the Scleral lens, and the presentation of the lenses to the patient has been a very important part of that.


How did you find out about YourBoxSolution.com?

We were working with a company in Texas, and had an opportunity to bring our business to a another local company.


What did you like most about using YourBoxSolution.com?

Great product, they use a very nice quality of cardboard for a nice presentation, plus as mentioned before, we like to support local springfield businesses.


To learn more about Valley Contax, visit their website or facebook page.
Contact YourBoxSolution.com today to learn how we can help your company with all of your packaging needs.

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