five Issues You Didn’t Know Grasp Tags May Do - In Bac Viet Supermarket

five Issues You Didn’t Know Grasp Tags May Do

5 Things You Didn’t Know Hang Tags Could Do

Hang tags can do so much more than tell the price of off-the-rack clothes. Toys, sporting equipment, electronics, vehicles and anything else you can put on a store shelf or showroom can all use hang tags.  No matter the product, hang tags can be used to develop your brand and build a rapport with customers.

Unlike most printed marketing materials, hang tags tend to be right on the product they’re promoting. This gives them a special place in your promotional arsenal. Hang tags also have many of the advantages of business cards, as they are often viewed from a close distance.

The following unique hang tag uses stem from these advantages.


Product Spec Sheets and Manuals

Hang tag manual for Fender Jaguar


Spec sheets can get abstract and hard to understand when they aren’t right next to the product they’re describing. Hang tags can be placed directly on most tangible products, making it easy for customers to understand them better. Hang tags are also the perfect place to highlight an item’s specific selling points and give an upscale look you can’t get with a boring piece of paper.


Alternative Thank You Cards

Hang tag manual for Fender Jaguar

Hang tags are a delightful way to express gratitude to preferred customers and suppliers. Two advantages they have over conventional thank you cards is that they cost less and are directly in the recipient’s field of view. Attach them to gifts and send them out for special occasions. You can be sure the recipients will get the message.


Custom Bottle Labels

Hang tag manual for Fender Jaguar

Hang tags work great as a complementary label or as the only packaging for bottled products. If for some reason you don’t wish to include any labels directly on your bottles, hang tags are an excellent alternative packaging option with an artisanal flair.


For Holiday Decor

Hang tag manual for Fender Jaguar
A decorative hang tag can be used to dress up any item for a holiday. This is a great idea for seasonal holiday sales tags — they add a bit of the season’s spirit and a handcrafted touch to otherwise drab price tags.

You could also include blank folded hang tags on popular seasonal items such as valentine’s candies. This encourages customers to buy them as gifts.


As Coupons

Use hang tags as coupons or raffle entries.

LLBG Productions via Pinterest

Coupons are an effective way to encourage repeat business. Marketing research firm A.C. Nielsen reported that 66% of Americans shoppers actively look for them. Having coupons as hang tags ensures customers see them and have an extra incentive to buy, which is a great thing if you want to earn a following for your products. Your whole hang tag can be the coupon, or you could design them as a tear-off. Add perforated lines for stubs that they use at checkout.

Hang tags tend to be overlooked and underutilized by both designers and marketers. However, they offer many of the benefits of both business cards and labels, and they offer the savvy marketer an unexpected way to better connect with their customers. These unique hang tag ideas can be exactly what you need, to convert customers, and to keep them coming back as well. If you’re designing a custom hang tag, be sure to ask a UPrinting representative about our customization options.


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