Bettering Inflexible Field Gross sales: five Issues Your Retail Packaging Will have to Do - In Bac Viet Supermarket

Bettering Inflexible Field Gross sales: five Issues Your Retail Packaging Will have to Do

Improving Rigid Box Sales: 5 Things Your Retail Packaging Should Do

Is your rigid box packaging pulling its weight when it comes to increasing your product sales?

In the world of consumer purchasing, emotional responses are making buying decisions over rational thought. That means your sales rely more on your retail packaging than it ever has before. The design of your rigid box needs to reflect the upscale product housed within if you want your customers reaching for it over your competition. 

So, what should your retail packaging do to make that happen?


Be Simple, but Stand Out

Overly complicated rigid box designs don’t normally speak to luxury clientele. A solid color offset by a singular focal point is often more eye-catching than ‘busy’ retail packaging designs.

What first comes to mind when you imagine a box of luxury truffles or a bottle of expensive perfume? You are likely seeing a rigid box enveloped in a rich color, possibly with a velvety smooth finish, and topped off with a signature embossed logo.

This is what customers anticipate when they think of luxury packaging. Your retail packaging needs to send a simple message, but it also needs to stand out. That is where keeping a keen eye for details comes in.

Your simple design can offer an elevated customer experience if you accentuate it with finish treatments that set it apart from your competition. Foil stamping, embossing, spot gloss UV, and film laminate all give your rigid box a heightened appeal.

A texturized finish creates a new experience for your customer while reflecting your brand. Luminescence stock comes in beautiful pearlescent finishes that are both attention-grabbing and luxurious. If you prefer, you can incorporate a tactile response into your buyer’s experience by wrapping your rigid box in a textured stock with a cloth or linen feel, or a soft touch film laminate that’s softer than velvet.

Be Attractive Inside and Out

There is no reason to sacrifice aesthetic design for functionality. When purchasing a luxury product, buyers expect high-end packaging, both inside and out. Brands like Apple have the market cornered on combining a functional rigid box design with an attractive finish.

Your luxury customers expect to open their retail package and find its contents tucked away in specially-designed compartments. Inserts are expected to have been crafted with the same care as the rigid box that holds them. Nothing should seem like an afterthought.

Getting the perfect fit means dedicating a lot of time to a process that will include specialty design, structural engineering, and a lot of testing. Choosing a printing partner that has this process covered from beginning to end makes all the difference in creating a product that impresses.

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Create an Emotional Connection

Successful branding makes buyers feel something. Nostalgia is a purchase motivator. A brand that reminds buyers of a joyful – and oftentimes simpler – time in their lives will have a good chance of selling their product to them.

Color choices also play a prominent role in creating an emotional response in customers. A calming color for a brand that sells luxury bath products will have a better chance of reaching buyers than a bright and energetic color. Vice versa applies to a company that sells sports drinks.

Sensory cues can easily be implemented in luxury packaging design. When your branding appeals to buyers on a subconscious level, your packaging will have generated their decision to buy for them.

Related Content: Emotional Connections and Retail Packaging Design

Be Iconic

“Be iconic” is a bold statement. No brand becomes iconic overnight. It takes years of diligent effort to earn iconic brand recognition, but consistency pays off.

Start with embedding iconic elements into your branding. Have a logo design that you are going to stick with for years to come. Choose a color palette that reflects your brand messaging. Most importantly, make sure all of these choices can be well-translated to all marketing platforms.

Smart designs merge consumer psychology with personalized creativity. The recipe for creating an iconic brand is having a design that appeals to the buyer’s subconscious while sparking recognition every time they see it.


Create a Memorable Experience

Your rigid box design needs to create a positive, memorable experience for buyers every time they open it. Does your unboxing experience offer something unique to your buyers? Does the box itself add value to the experience?

Think about incorporating hidden messaging inside your product’s packaging. Package items so that they are easy to access, and use the space inside your rigid box creatively.

Your product’s unboxing experience should be one that your customers talk to their friends about. When your retail box is as impressive as the product you have in it, buyers will sing your praises.

If your retail box is one that buyers can repurpose, that’s even better. Your brand will become a staple element of their everyday lives, and your logo will become one they see on a daily basis.


Your retail packaging is the face of your brand. Before buyers get to know the product inside the box, they make a split-second, emotionally-driven decision about whether or not it’s right for them. This decision is based entirely on the look of your retail packaging. The right design, carefully created by the right printing and packaging partner, can guarantee your product is the one being reached for.

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