Printed Proof Samples – Your Options
Printed Samples
A common question we get here at Your Box Solution is “Can I get aa actual proof of my box before I order it?”. The short answer is, YES!
Here are your two options for printed proofs:
1) Flat Printed Proof
Receive an actual flat printed proof of your box. We call this a press-check in the printing industry. You can view exactly what will be coming off of the print press with this proof including your finishing options (laminate, foil stamping, embossing, etc.). This proof will not be cut or glued. This proof is great for you to view colors, art design and finished options. If you would like, you can use our cutlines to cut the box out yourself and assemble it on your own.
Cost $100Time: 5-7 working days
2) Finished Prototype
This is an actual finished prototype of your box. These will ship to you flat. All you have to do it pop them open and fold in the flaps. A finished prototype will include all of your finished options. The main difference from your actual box is that we will cut our prototypes on a different die than our finished products. This means that the cutlines or creases may not be as precise on this prototype compared to your final box order. This gives you a chance to check the size, look and feel of your box to make sure it exactly what you would like to order. These are also ideal for trade shows as samples.
Cost: $175Time: 7-10 working days
**Please note that the cost of samples and prototypes cannot be applied to your final order.
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