Does Your Product Packaging Design Need a Facelift? - In Bac Viet Supermarket

Does Your Product Packaging Design Need a Facelift?

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Does Your Product Packaging Design Need a Facelift?

Is your product packaging starting to look tired?

Before you answer that question, remember this: you will likely get sick of your brand design long before consumers even start to notice it.

Still, it’s good to know when it’s time to breathe new life into your packaging.

A quick visit to your product’s retail space to compare different styles will help you determine how you stack up to the competition. Are other companies using new substrate materials and design innovations? Do you notice your own packaging first, or does a competitor’s catch your eye?

We’ll outline some scenarios where you may want to collaborate with a professional on a redesign, and provide you with some insights for navigating the process.

Introducing a New Product with Your Package Design

A new product launch is often an ideal time for introducing a fresh design.

You may have two or three versions being released and each one will need its own packaging design.

At this stage, it’s wise to consult with a packaging printer on the overall approach and the finer details of the specific versions, so that your launch lands perfectly with consumers. Have you checked out what your competitors are doing by comparison? Have you asked about new trends and substrate materials that you could incorporate into your design to give it that extra wow factor? These are all good questions to think about as you prepare to introduce a new item.

product packaging design company

Poor Sales Performance in Stores

Low sales numbers are an indicator you may need to take a step back and reassess how you’re doing things.

If you are marketing products online, a sharp package design will help differentiate you from competitors and garner positive reviews that lead to new conversions. In stores, it’s easy to stroll through the aisles and determine whether your packaging pops or not.

Look around and see what colors and designs grab your attention. A little hands-on research goes a long way. Though you may have in-house talent that can help freshen up your packaging design, an experienced printer will give you the low-down on your current design and some ideas for improving its appeal.

Updating Your Existing Design

Redesigning packaging doesn’t necessarily mean starting from scratch. Maybe you’re just updating some language on the box, or want to try a new environmentally-friendly substrate. This won’t involve starting over.

There are ways to optimize your design if you have to do an update anyway. Most of the fees associated with a redesign are one-time costs.

Let’s say, for example, that you have a 4” x 4” x 4” box that was previously printed with a four-color process. The design needs to be updated to include new language required by your industry. The box size will remain the same, and you’re still going to use a four-color process—just with a few new visual elements. This is a perfect time to refresh other aspects of the design, because the basic costs will be pretty much the same.

Closing the Gap Between a Cool Idea and a Practical Package

A phenomenal idea for a design is great, but is it feasible to produce?

It’s an important question. Creative ideas sometimes lead to unworkable packaging, and you may not see it because you love the concept so much.

Let’s say you want a box that hinges open and has bells and bows on it, but you need 1000 of them and the item you’re putting in the box costs only $5. If the box with the flourishes and special design items costs twice as much to make as the item inside, you’re going to end up back at square one. A packaging printer can help transform your concept into a package that is not only aesthetically noteworthy, but also sourced and printed as economically as possible.

Alternatively, your graphic designer may have come up with something that looks brilliant. But if they don’t have experience in package printing, the artwork that’s mind blowing on a computer screen may be unworkable in 3D. Furthermore, printing a high art concept may turn out to be more expensive than you’ve budgeted for. A packaging printer’s engineer can help adapt great art into a package that can be printed within your budget without sacrificing the visual and design elements you love.

Whether you’ve determined your packaging doesn’t measure up to the competition or you’re simply looking for a way to bring a fresh look to an old item, we highly recommend you talk to a designer that knows a thing or two about packaging. Few companies have the staffing and tools to do the job, and access to a plotting table, CAD design, and resources to make test samples is key. If your staff can’t provide these things, you’ll want to consult with a packaging printer that has a structural engineer who can give you some suggestions and guidance on your redesign.

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