UStory: Wildwood Church - In Bac Viet Supermarket

UStory: Wildwood Church

While business owners see brochures solely as a marketing tool, religious organizations like Wildwood Church see them as instruments in spreading the word of God. Today we highlight the Tallahassee-based church and their cost-effective approach to reaching out to fellow Floridians.

From Humble Beginnings

In 1976, a few families met in a living room in Tallahassee to celebrate their faith. No one back then could have predicted the heights Wildwood Church would reach today. To date, they have 1,200 members and they’re not slowing down anytime soon.

Wildwood Church Logo

The Official Wildwood Church Logo

Members are bound by the same vision. They want to establish a meaningful presence in their community. And they are serious about that. In fact, a decade-long project of theirs had just come to fruition. In March 2018, the Northside Community Center opened its doors to the community as a shared space to connect and enrich the community.

Not bad given the church’s humble beginnings.

It’s All About Family

Speaking to Director of Communications Josh King, I was able to get more insight into some of the factors that make Wildwood Church special.

The Wildwood Church Community

Josh was quick to clarify that they are not perfect nor do they claim to be perfect. However, there’s no questioning their deep care for each other and desire to freely serve the people both inside and outside of Wildwood.

“We want others to experience the same hope and love of Jesus that has powerfully transformed us, and so our mission is to make disciples, move hearts, care deeply and serve freely.”

Not Your Average Church

If we’re being totally honest, most of us have an archaic view of what a Sunday service looks like. Sadly, that turns us away from attending mass. But times have changed and so has the way people celebrate their faith.

Music is a big part of the Wildwood Church experience

For starters, Wildwood encourages people to attend in comfortable clothing. Most members come in jeans and dress shirts. No need to suit up.

They also incorporate music into their service — a blend of traditional, modern, and pop. They’ll even throw in some bluegrass once in a while.

In addition, they have a number of open community groups that meet throughout the week. Every spring they hold their Daddy Daughter Sock Hop dance. They hold a free community BBQ event around Easter. Students can look forward to a number of summer camps that they organize.

The Daddy Daughter Sock Hop dance

Anyone is welcome to join the growing community.

Sharing the Faith One Brochure at a Time

While the church has been around a long time, they still face challenges that require actionable solutions. They need to be able to grow a church culture where people can connect with one another and make them stay.

Everybody is welcome to join

Part of the problems they face is addressed by the aforementioned community groups as well as designating people whose sole responsibility is to engage new churchgoers every Sunday. But they needed something more.

With that, members of the church sprung into action and printed custom Wildwood Church brochures.

This was an important part of their vision of making “mature and equipped followers of Jesus who live with gospel purpose”. As Josh puts it, “We can only live with gospel purpose if we understand the gospel.”

The UPrinting Experience

Early on, Josh had a vision of what he wanted their brochures to look like. So all he needed to do was find an online printing partner that would be able to meet his needs at an affordable price.

Our customer service team understood immediately what was required and not long after that, they have started working on Wildwood Church’s custom brochures.

We have real people looking into possible file issues to make sure your brochures come out as intended.

Print your own custom brochures at UPrinting

In the end, Wildwood Church produced awesome brochures that they can proudly share with their community.

Special thanks to Josh King for taking some time to entertain my questions.

Follow Wildwood Church on social media:
Facebook – @wildwoodtlh
Twitter – @wildwoodtlh
Instagram – wildwoodtlh

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