That’s a wrap: reusable meals garage - In Bac Viet Supermarket

That’s a wrap: reusable meals garage

That’s a wrap: reusable food storage

I came across a very cool eco-friendly kitchen tool the other day. To be fair, my sister actually pointed it out to me; she likes alternative things that have an artistic flair but are also incredibly useful. Bee’s Wrap is a new alternative to plastic wrap, and it is reusable. Reusable faux plastic wrap? I had to know more.

Made from beeswax, organic cloth, tree resin and organic jojoba oil, Bee’s Wrap (beeswrap.com) works just like plastic wrap to wrap up leftover foods. It can be used to cover a bowl, wrap up cheese or fruits and vegetables, bread, snacks and just about anything other than meat. I got a sample from the company and decided to give it a try. Using the warmth of my hand, the wrap easily formed over the half avocado I had left over from dinner. The wrap kept its shape nicely over the avocado and stored really well in the refrigerator.

Made in Vermont, the wraps come in three sizes and are all reusable and should last for about a year with normal use. The natural antibacterial properties of beeswax and jojoba oil keep food fresh and allow the wraps to be reused. One issue I did have, which was total user error, was washing the wrap. I used too hot of water (the company says to use cool water with mild soap) and it got all gritty feeling. I ended up having to throw one away, bummer.

I am not a stranger to reusable food storage items. I’ve had the privilege of using the BooginHead (booginhead.com) reusable screw top squeez’ems (a reusable pouch for yogurt, applesauce, etc.) and the pack’ems food and snack pouches, and they are great for packing snacks for kids on the go. I literally use the squeez’ems every day for my daughter who insists I put her yogurt in a pouch rather than eating it with a spoon.

Using these and the reusable wrap, I really feel like I am making a difference in the waste my family creates – and that’s the idea. Entrepreneurs are making great strides to reduce waste associated with food prep and consumption. What’s really neat is that both of these companies were created by women. My guess is they’re moms too, because as they say, necessity is the mother of invention. 

Reusable food storage options are a great way to be more eco-conscious in everyday life. CPGs are taking note too, launching fully recyclable packages, made with recycled content and practicing sustainable manufacturing. Consumers are still focused on the 3Rs – reduce, reuse and recycle  – and it’s something everyone can feel good about.

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