PDF Proofing Procedure - In Bac Viet Supermarket

PDF Proofing Procedure

PDF Proofing Process

It is very important to review your PDF proof carefully. Proofing is the most vital step in the pre-production process. The proofing process is the only way to catch errors before production of your boxes. We will produce your order exactly how it was approved in the proof that was sent back to you.
[wpcc-iframe id=”_ytid_57708″ width=”1100″ height=”619″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/Tp1cVhQEbAg?enablejsapi=1&autoplay=0&cc_load_policy=0&iv_load_policy=1&loop=0&modestbranding=0&rel=1&showinfo=1&fs=1&theme=dark&color=red&autohide=2&controls=2&playsinline=0&” class=”__youtube_prefs__” title=”YouTube player” allowfullscreen data-no-lazy=”1″ data-skipgform_ajax_framebjll=””]

Our prepress department will not be able to proofread or check specific aspects of your artwork. You need to make sure that your files are sent to us correctly, and print ready. If the proof is approved, the order is produced and you find an error when you receive the boxes – unfortunately, you as the person who approved the proof are liable for this error. To avoid any issues, please review your proof carefully and thoroughly.

First, you will be sent an email from our prepress department with a link to review your proof. Click the Download Proof button on the left side of the page. This will download the multipage PDF proof to your computer. Make sure to view this proof after downloading using a PDF viewer app. Viewing from a web browser can cause issues that are not present in the file. Save this downloaded document for future reference and for reorders. (Server space only allows us to hold onto artwork for a short period of time. If you save your proof, not having the artwork won’t be an issue).

We specifically separate each art design into different pages to ensure every aspect of the product is reviewed and setup correctly before production. It is extremely important that you take the time to review each page of the proof carefully.

The first page of the proof contains a disclaimer outlining what has been said earlier. If you have any questions about the contents, please contact your sales rep.

The next page contains the finished box, laid out flat with the template lines. This is to show you how the artwork and any embellishments will line up on each panel. Be sure to double check the alignment of each panel, and the orientation of the artwork. If something is not lined up correctly, reject the proof immediately and state what is incorrect. It is important to reject the proof through our online system before contacting your sales rep or prepress so that order is paused and not moving forward incorrectly.

The third page will show what is going to be printed on the printing press. All template lines and any embellishments that are not on the printing press are removed. Use this page to review all text and graphics. If something is not there, reject the proof immediately and state what is missing.

If there are any added embellishments or you are using the metalized paperboard the next page will show this. On each individual page, what you are seeing in the process is listed in the upper left corner.

Once each page is reviewed for accuracy, you will return to the link that was sent to approve or reject the proof. Check the checklist, and enter your digital signature.

Once we receive your approval, your order is sent to production. If you find an error, after you approve, you can contact your sales rep to see if there is time to make a change. If the order has already started in production, we will not be able to stop the order and make a change.

Please contact us to learn more.

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